We are proud to announce that USAgriculture has maintained full conformance with Leading Harvest’s Farmland Management Standard (LH FMS). This year marks our third year of certification — highlighting our commitment to sustainable farmland management practices.
Leading Harvest’s Standard is a third-party certification that ensures responsible stewardship of agricultural properties for future generations. The LH FMS is a rigorous process that requires the full dedication of our staff, tenants, and operators.
Averum, an independent certification body, completed a thorough surveillance audit over the summer, which spanned across properties we manage in the Pacific and Pacific Northwest regions. Their full summary can be found here: USAgriculture’s Leading Harvest Farmland Management Audit.
The audit reaffirmed USAgriculture’s effective sustainability practices, including notable energy conservation and biodiversity advancements. Additionally, we received zero major or minor non-conformances, reflecting our adherence to the highest standards in farmland management.
To learn more about Leading Harvest, please visit www.leadingharvest.org.